Rotary Bhawan, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal

GG1639634 – Rainwater Harvesting and Plastic Pond Project-Kavrepalanchowk District, Nepal

GG1639634 – Rainwater Harvesting and Plastic Pond Project-Kavrepalanchowk District, Nepal

Global Grant No: GG1639634
Grant Title: Rainwater Harvesting and Plastic Pond Project-Kavrepalanchowk District , Nepal
Grant Status: Closed
Starting Date:13/02/2016
Closed Date: 04/06/2021
Budget: US$ 35000

Host Primary Contact: Bishnu Subedi, RC Kathmandu, RID 3292
International Primary Contact: D. Bruce Higgs, RC Gananoque, RID 7040

Objectives of the Project:
• To build 100 Rainwater Harvesting Ponds to collect rainwater during the rainy season and use it for irrigation and animal husbandry during the dry season.
• Help to improve the income level of the local people
• To reduce the burden on the public drinking water supply.
• To provide water in case of emergency(i.e. Fire, reconstruction events).
• To reduce the cost of water to the villagers.
• To reduce surface run-off and thus prevent top soil erosion
. To provide vegetables for their families in the dry season