
GG1526535 – Dental Camps Nepal

Global Grant No: GG1526535
Grant Title: Dental Camps Nepal
Grant Status: Closed
Starting Date:15/10/2014
Closed Date: 23/09/2022
Budget: US$ 45000

Host Primary Contact: Bishnu Subedi, RC Kathmandu, RID 3292
International Primary Contact: Laura Tilrico, RC Newberg, RID 5100

Objectives of the Project:
1.Create an awareness for Dental hygiene to approx. 2,000 school children ,
2.Preform dental exams for the children, and apply preventive tooth decay sealant
3.Teach children the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums, students (by lecture and slide/Power Point presentation)
4.Distribute tooth brushes, floss and tooth paste.
5.Perform Dental work on 750 villagers that need extensive dental work
6. Establish a permanent dental clinic attached to the existing health centers in two of the villages,.Bhotehour and Telkot/Nagarkot Communities.
7.Arrange one Nepali Dentist and Dental Hygienist for each of the two communities
8.Provide the equipment and set up for the two proposed Dental clinics.